Tuesday, April 06, 2010


This year the ballet school that the girls are attending held another performance in the theater.
Aladdin and the magic lamp was the theme of their show.
We are very happy that Jessica can participate and is becoming a better ballerina each year.
Enjoy the pictures.

Tento rok poradala baletni skola, kterou Jessica navstevuje, dalsi predstaveni v divadle. Tematem vystoupeni byl Alladin a kouzelna lampa.
Mame velkou radost, ze se Jessica mohla zucastnit a kazdym rokem zlepsuje sve baletni umeni.

Just a Fashion show??

Through our Dr. Payaso program in hospitals we got to know and work with an association "Cada Nino, Una Sonrisa". Last month we had the privilege to join them at an event for the children with cancer. It wasn't just any fashion show, it was to make these children feel special. I believe it did.
Thank you Patrick and Jessica for doing your part!
You can see a clip (which I don't believe can properly discribe the right atmosphere that was there that evening) at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA9qr8S7FSY

Pres nas program Dr. Payaso jsme se seznamili a pracovali s nadaci "Kazde dite, jeden usmev". V minulem mesici jsme meli prilezitost spolupracovat na nove akci organizovane pro deti s rakovinou. Nebyla to jen tak nejaka modni prehlidka, cilem bylo nechat tyto deti, aby se citily hvezdami. Myslim, ze se to podarilo.
Diky Patricku a Jessico za vas prispevek.
Videoklip muzete shlednout (ac neverim, ze spravne vystihl atmosferu vecera) na:
