Sunday, July 29, 2007


Here is Patrick with some of his new friends made at the Christian Training camp held near Monterrey this year. He was so happy to be able to go, along with Tim and Richard (of Andrew and Joy). Here are just a few pics. of the things that they did, as well as people they met.

This is Patrick's and Timmy's team "The Egsnatchers"! Captained by U. Victor and A. Rain.

Here is a caricature of their team done by Zeb

Here Is the team that Hana Captained

And here is their caricature!

Here is Pat at a computer class on how to make a "power point".

Here are the judges of a dress-up contest held at the camp.

Here is part of the Egsnatcher team dressed up.

Here is Pat and U. Alf

Pat, Timmy and U. Zeb

Mom and Pat at the swimming pools!

Some pictures of the surrounding countryside. Beautiful!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I thought it was about time that I added something on our blog about my family. Being as it is that I have a large one this will be no easy task. But I will start off with My brother Matt, in Africa. He is the third in our numerous family. My sister Tina is the second, there will be blog on her soon...just need to find the right pics.
Right now he and his wife Melissa are with my parents in Germany recruiting members to go back with them to Africa. I admire them quite a bit! They have been there for a little more than four years now, pioneering and starting a work in Sierra Leon. Africa, isn't the easiest mission field and not everyone is called to be a part of that work; yet, through many battles with sickness, accidents, power-outages, civil unrest, etc. my brother has proven that where there is a will there is a way! And I am very proud of him for what the Lord has been able to accomplish through him on that needy mission field.
Anyway if anyone out there feels a tug on their heart's strings for Africa, or more specifically, Sierra Leon, you know whom to write! Ha!

Matt and Mel

The entire family

I do believe my parents have a picture like this of my sister, my brother and me when we were little, in the back of our very old Mercedes van. I should ask them for it and have a side-by-side display.

Its an older one but it was a cute picture of them all so i thought I would add it.

Yes, you would have every right to be frustrated with this blog! I am as well! Ha! Time... time... time...! We were talking about it a few months back and we came to the conclusion that there are simply not enough days in the week nor hours in a day; but, if there were we would still manage to complain about the lack of time... so the conclusion was that we were the ones that simply had to learn to re-schedule!
So I committed to trying to put up a post once every second W&R. I'm trying not to cross my fingers but...Ha! Just kidding. I have to do it for my own sake as well. I CAN DO THIS! At least I think I can!

This is a picture that Hana took near Monterrey while at a summer camp that she, and our son Patrick, went to! (Blog will be coming soon!)