Our oldest son is 10. It has been wonderful 10 years with him in our lives.
Patrick is really sweet and kind and we are so blessed to have him.
We planned to make this celebration special. Originally we were to go to the Peak of Orizaba (tallest mountain, volcano in Mexico) to see some snow and have a “freezing party”. But due to the weather, we had to postpone this one for a later date.
We went to a Navy ship instead. It is the one of the last two Mexican Navy ships. This one is docked very near us at a park in Boca Del Rio. It was fun and quite educational to see and visit different parts of the ship. You can visit at www.c07.com.mx. When we got home, we had a party with everything that belongs to a party – cake, presents, mordida, decoration… Just take a look.
We love you Patrick!!!!
Nasemu nejstarsimu synovi je 10. Je to uzasnych 10 let s nim v nasich zivotech.
Patrick je velice mily a hodny a my jsme opravdu pozehnani, ze ho mame.
Planovali jsme specialni oslavu. Puvodne jsme chteli jet na “Peak of Orizaba” (nejvyssi hora a sopka v Mexiku), aby si deti uzily snehu a meli “zmrzlou oslavu”. Bohuzel pocasi nam to nedovolilo a tak jsme tento vylet odlozili na jindy.
Misto toho jsme zamirili na Valecnou lod. Je to jedna s poslednich dvou mexickych lodi. Tato je zakotvena primo v nasem meste. Bylo to moc fajn a take jsme se velice naucili z navstevy ruznych casti lode. Sami muzete tuto lod navstivit na www.c07.com.mx .
Kdyz jsme prijeli domu, meli jsme oslavu se vsim jak se patri – dort, darky, mordida, vyzdoba ….. Jen se podivejte.
Mame te moc radi Patricku!